My Prerogative

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

i got a new blog.

check it out


LOL, what a joke...

an irresponsible person calling others irresponsible?

when that particular person is the one who started all this drama...


Said person actually asked "beethoven" to look for a mirror when she needs one herself.

oh my goodness i am screaming desperately.


Monday, February 18, 2008

wow, 看了这些影片,相比之下,觉得自己逊色好多。

超级星光大道III (SG audition)

Good experience gained.

and yup, feels good to be dreaming with the rest again......
Thanks for coming down to support us, Sonia and Weisheng! Esp when the weather was so horrid.
Saw many familiar faces...mostly from lwssom. But it feels really nice because they are all the people you share the love of singing with... =)


Sunday, February 10, 2008

I am recovering from a case of food poisoning. :(
What a RATTY year.

3rd day of cny man, I haven't had my fun! and now it's sunday night, tmr everyone would have gone back to work/school and I'd have nobody to go out with.


the past few days have been sucky, vomitting/diarrhoea. ugh.

anyway, it's less sucky I shall post some happy photos of Day 1...(well those r the only photos I have since I've only been shuffling between my bedroom and the kitchen for the past 60hrs.)

Friday, February 08, 2008


Taiwanese laughing at Singaporeans' english!?

Look at yourselves before you try to correct others.
The nerve of them!

trace the next parts from this youtube link ya?

It's [Kang Xi Lai Le] on 28th Jan 2008 where they talk about low standards of english and start naming singaporeans as examples.

One of the artistes, Arroy Shen, former boyband member of Comic Boyz has apologised in his blog for his bluntness.
check it out here -->

seriously, if anyone is to comment on singlish, it's not them.

Happy Chinese New Year :)

A piece of good news before I show Day 1's stuff.

I'm gona have a niece this July!! WOOHOOOOOO~!


It's tradition to wear new PJs on cny eve...and my mum likes to buy the outdated funny kind from the market for my sis and me.
Well, what else is there? lacy seductive one meh?? HAHAH.
after I wore it, I couldn't help but strike the "V" so kawaii.
But as you can see, I cannot lah.

Day 1 was good, a lot of relatives came around the same time so it was very lively!

Ah Lun (i forgot his eng name omg) is gona ORD fast!
Everyone's looking gooooood =)

I didn't cut my hair, hahaha...merely tied it up into a short bob. =D

Attempt 2:
better? I DOUBT IT, I look like I'm smirking in a kawaii PJ. =/
walao my eyebags...

A cute photo of Don before I go~ (more pics on Des's cam)

Sunday, February 03, 2008




But, 不知不觉


The past semester has been the most dramatic semester in my entire poly life.

Mass Comm has the "圈内" and "圈外" kinda shit.
mini "showbiz" environment hor?
so much lies hidden by the beautiful curtains that draw to a close after the show. But the drama continues backstage.

All I can say is...there's KARMA. And some little twerps can just stfu because they are in no position to judge the 9 of us. Some people are just so shallow and ignorant. The media industry is very small...So,

I'm so glad it's over. all 20+ weeks of it! WOOHOO!
hey u can catch me on this video CTV (NP) did for the ny countdown earlier on here:
Click on the "Messages of Hope from students of various tertiary institutions"

Sunday, January 27, 2008


Saturday, January 26, 2008

人在做 天在看

This world is a scary place.
Humans are complicated creatures.

Take me away from all this shit.

I can't say Radio has let me down
but it just sucks to say, what used to make me look forward to the working world
has now made me wana run away from it.

in a span of a semester.

I'm starting to wonder if I'm cut out for the media after all.

But I don't know what else I can do, or what else does suit me after all.

Ironic, I know.

I can't handle media but I like being in it.

It's just scary how this is The industry which has the most glamourous masks that hide the ugliest souls.